Sunday, May 4, 2014

Portion Control is Key in Losing Weight and Maintaining a Healthy Feeling When Eating. Dr. Rama

Okay, millions have dieted and this whole issue pervades the entire world.  Well, the issue is that dieting is important when you find something that works, but there are many things that do not work---and often it leaves people very confused and frustrated because most of us do not like to restrict what we enjoy eating.  And it is our mind and heart that also greatly influences our eating habits and patterns along with many complex factors including our genetics, metabolism, and many other factors.

In this short blog, I just want to say that portion control could be one of the major keys to weight loss and healthy weight along with Yoga practices that help balance the mind.

In portion control, one can eat smaller portions more often but just less of each food group.  In this way, one can enjoy the foods they like with the satisfaction that they can get another variety of foods in smaller portions after a few hours.

I am well aware that it is sometimes not so simple---but maybe these simple suggestions could bring incredible results.

All of this of course takes guidance by nutritionists, physicians, and others along with our own is balance of all that brings results over time...that is unique for each person. '

It is my feeling that authentic practice of meditation along with regular areas of Yoga (not just physical) but breathing, contemplation, devotional practice and many other forms, strengthen the mind and helps release various emotional blocks in the  heart that will help maintain a discipline in eating that involves gradual practice.  Insight and inner breakthrough arise through Yoga as people release their issues to realize healthier ways of being.

Too often there is the emphasis on the actual food and physical  exercise but I feel that the Yoga practices ---that are taught in a broad, regular,  and deep way can also help discipline our eating to stick to portion control.

What is also important are people's emotions that are tied to food and this is a vastly complex area.  I feel that emotional support ---along with Yoga and portion control might be a way of at least seeing if these practices can help people eat what they want and yet lose the weight they so desire as well, and maintain a healthy weight as they gain mental, spiritual and physical health through the practices of Yoga in general.

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