Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Some Useful Yoga Tips--Dr. Rama

In todays World, there is a Yoga shop and studio everywhere and so many are taking on many different forms of Yoga through classes, sessions, lectures, meeting with various teachers and so on.  Here are some useful tips and hints to contemplate to navigate your journey.

1.  Yoga is not a competition. The Western approach is to sometimes superimpose the Western idea of competition into Yoga, as if it is a sport. If sports are part of the Yoga class or method, then it is not original Yoga but something someone has created, and remixed into Yoga, so the effect behind the Yoga practice can be diluted or even tangential.  Yoga is a sacred ancient science and path that leads ultimately to enlightenment and the unleashing of very powerful dormant forces that lead to the discovery of inner light and love.  It is NOT a competition in my opinion but rather a getting in touch with one's own body and mind without judgment and working with where one is at any given moment in time.  Everyone must honor themselves and go at their own pace. 

2.  Be Cautious in going beyond one's capacity.  Be cautious of teachers who push you into doing strenuous postures and rigorous routines right away.  This defeats the entire purpose of Yoga.  Going beyond your capacity can cause permanent injury and damage to the muscles, nerves, and even mind.
Use common sense.  Stop and even leave the class if you are feeling you are being pushed too much and compared to others.

3.  Be aware of the consciousness of the teacher.  Are they trying to practice what they are teaching?  Are they only stressing the physical postures?  Yoga is about peace of mind, balance, greater love, release of stress and so on.  Does your teacher help or harm you?

4.  Different forms of Yoga are not for everyone.  In my opinion, the various forms of heated Yoga are actually doing more  harm.  The body is artificially being stretched through heat and the intensity of the heat and steam can affect and agitate the mind more.  Some of the heated methods are very militant and controlling in my opinion, forcing discipline and and other measures which I feel defeats the purpose of relaxing.  We are already dealing with enough authority and control in the world.  We come to Yoga for love, support and nurturing, not for a military drill.

5.  One cannot practice physical postures and then lead a life that is unbalanced.  Yoga is a way of life and is about  mindfulness and spirituality of any understanding.  The physical postures are not separate from Spirituality.  Surveys have shown that many do not know that the very thing they are practicing called Yoga actually has a goal of enlightenment and more surprising is that people did not care.  Yoga is a Sanskrit word that  means "Union" with the Higher Self, the Divine, Supreme Light--anything you want to call it.  Also there are many types of Yoga, not just the physical postures.  Becoming familiar with all is important.

More next time,

Dr. Rama
Dallas Texas

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