Dr. Rama:
Do you have some thoughts on falling asleep?
Dr. R: Medications are very limited and often temporary. There is no total fix. People have to get in touch with their own body and mind and see what works for them. Medications are often not used on a long, long term basis. What is needed is to review one's behaviors and lifestyle and incorporate those into a sleep routine. Our world is too dependent on artificial treatment, although sleep meds do have their place particularly when one has major depression and other distinct problems
It is best to have a sleep study for very serious sleep disturbances and always check with your MD
Avoid late night snacks (unless you are instructed by your MD), TV, arguements and heated subjects---these stir up the mind and create restlessness. It is best to avoid heavy mental work as well.
Try to take a warm epsom salt bath and begin listening to the sounds of Nature and gentle music. Try to find sounds that are appropriate for the night--such as gentle cricket or frog sounds---this helps us get in touch with Nature and the body will respond.
Do some gentle stretching and deep breathing. Sit in a comfortable upright position and breathe deeply through your nose inhaling and exhaling with focus in a ratio of 10:20. or if one cannot do that even 5:10 for every inhalation and exhalation. Do at least five to 10 rounds but stop if you are dizzy.
Lie down, abdomen down, face down. Place the palms of the hands alongside the head with palms down. up underneath the shoulder blades. Inhale and gentle lift the upper half of the body, looking up and gazing toward the ceiling. This is known as the cobra pose.
Sit up and stretch the legs out in front you touching. Inhale, stretch both arms up and above one's head. Exhale and allow the arms to fall parallel gently to the legs, grabbing any portion of the legs or feet with the back nicely curved over. Hold this posture for some time, release exhale, stretching the hands above the head. Do this several times ---this is known as the head to knee pose
(more poses later)
Do some journal writing--Contemplate the day and what you would have like to see different.
Try doing some conscious prayers---to any Higher Power of one's understanding. This eases the mind and disengages us from over-analyzing everything because we turn over our problems to a power that is far greater than what we know
Keep lights off or very gentle and soft---Too much lighting or having the TV on will create more distraction
Practice a conscious mantra. Go to You Tube or check some of the mantras on my blog. Repetition of a Divine Sound will induce meditation and then sleep often follows.
Take a combination of chamomile, valerian, peppermint or spearmint tea, and tension tamer tea. Make it very concentrated and put in some milk. Add a little tumeric, black pepper and ginger powder as well as some clove powder ---this soothes the Vata or air principle according to Ayurveda Medicine (East Indian Medicine) and induces a gentle sleep
However, avoid Valerian if pregnant or you have liver problems.
Dr. Rama:
How do I get over my afternoon sugar craving?
Dr. R--This is a complicated area. Make sure you check with your physician to be evaluated officially for diabetes or conditions of low blood sugar. It is a problem for me because I do have a sweet tooth!! :) :)
One can begin to curb the craving by substituting high glycemic index foods for low glycemic foods and the body will adjust over time.
Get low glycemic candy that does not contain pure sucrose or fructose or corn syrup. Avoid afternoon caffeine with sugar but substitute pure vegetable, tomato or carrot juice. This will help to curb the sugar ups and downs. Do not add sugar to these. Eat warm cereal such as pure plain oats, buckwheat, millet which has less gluten and has much fiber and complex carbohydates and protein that will help one feel energized. Add some unsweetened soy milk or regular milk for added protein and satisfaction. Cereals are not only for breakfast.
Also, eat some steamed vegetables that are prepared in the morning and eaten the late afternoon. They will not curb your dinner appetite and will help adjust one's craving. Steamed spinach, squash, a little bit of potato, and brocolli are examples of these. The key is to eat a small amount that just makes one feel satisfied.
More Later
Dr. Rama